Embracing Asymmetries: Generali Bollettino Animated Cover

Generali Group // 2022

Immerse yourself in the world of “Asymmetries” as Generali Group presents its annual “Bollettino” publication for 2022. Within this unique issue, they meticulously explore the intricate complexities and imbalances that define our ever-changing world. Embark on a journey of discovery and witness how understanding and embracing these asymmetries can lead to the creation of value for everyone involved.

Generali Bollettino Animated Cover

During my collaboration with Generali Group on the December 2022 issue of the Generali Bulletin at Acrobatik Srl, our main focus was to animate the cover and shed light on the lack of symmetry and balance in our reality. Generali Group extensively explored the inherent contradictions, instabilities, and imbalances that affect various aspects of our daily lives.

With a strategic approach, my aim was to create impactful promotional videos tailored for social media platforms. The intention was to actively engage viewers and ignite their curiosity. Moreover, the animated cover art was skillfully adapted into both landscape and square formats, ensuring broad reach and maximum appeal. Within these visually captivating frames, the cover effortlessly captured users’ attention, enticing them to explore the publication’s rich and thought-provoking content.

By intentionally presenting asymmetries as unique opportunities rather than mere obstacles, Generali Group successfully motivated readers to embrace the intricacies and complexities that shape our world. This empowering perspective inspired individuals to actively seek innovative solutions and embrace the transformative potential concealed within these imbalances.

My suggestions

Join me through the motion design art, inviting you to explore the compelling content of the Generali Bulletin and embrace the asymmetries that surround us. Together, let’s challenge conventions, seek harmony within imbalances, and unlock the transformative power of asymmetry. Discover how these seemingly contradictory elements can shape a better future for all and pave the way for meaningful change.